Beckworth Beneficial Blog

31 Jan

Posted by: Admin

Posted on: Jan 31, 2024 at 10:29 am

How to Create an Employee Handbook for 2024

It’s crucial for members of your organization to be on the same page as they maintain the company mission and pursue aspirations. After all, even the most talented and dedicated professionals may lack peak efficiency and be more prone to errors if they are unaware of expectations. Your organization should prioritize having an up-to-date and comprehensive employee handbook that outlines essential functions and provides guidance regarding important subjects.  

What Is an Employee Handbook? 

Employers typically use employee handbooks to help their employees understand various practices, policies and procedures within an organization. Employee handbook contents may vary depending on many factors, including an organization’s location, industry, size and goals. For example, companies may be accountable for various legal obligations pertaining to these resources, but employee handbook requirements by state may vary.  

Employee handbooks can be a critical resource for workers, managers, leaders and all stakeholders within a business. By formalizing workplace practices and compiling them into a readily accessible handbook, your organization can streamline operations and have precedence to fall back on in a workplace dispute or lawsuit. 

What Should a 2024 Employee Handbook Include? 

The optimal contents of an employee handbook may change over time. Furthermore, these formal documents may need to address various employment laws and industry regulations. This makes it necessary for your organization to revisit its employee handbook and make revisions as needed. If information provided in these resources is incomplete, outdated or unclear, the handbook will be ineffective and unable to fulfill its purpose.  

Although optimal employee handbook contents may vary among companies, resources should generally include information about the following: 

  • Organizational values, goals and mission
  • Onboarding procedures
  • Employee conduct requirements (e.g., anti-harassment and workplace health and safety)
  • Electronic device rules (including those regarding use of personal devices while at work or for business purposes)
  • Employee benefits
  • Relevant employment laws
  • Employee assessment procedures (e.g., promotions, raises and reviews)
  • Training and career development opportunities
  • Dress code requirements
  • Disciplinary measures (e.g., termination practices)
  • Reporting workplace issues or disputes 

Employee handbooks should be arranged to make it easy for members of your organization to find the information they need, such as by including an employee handbook table of contents. Resources should be distributed to all workers upon being hired and made available in electronic form.  

We’re Here to Help 

With extensive experience helping employers optimize their workplaces and functions, Beckworth Beneficial is well-equipped to help you fully understand the importance of an employee handbook. Our dedicated staff will work with you to ensure all members of your business have access to the information they need to work effectively. Visit our website or call 559-389-5837 today to learn more.

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